Paul Flores- Post 2


Written By Paul Flores

Study Guide Summary

    Before we got into the topic of Happiness, Each group had to present a study guide from the chapters they were given. Throughout this, I will be summarizing every chapter that each group in chapter order from Chapter 1 to Chapter 17. Mind you some chapters are not included.
Group One did:
  • Chapter 1-Angelina 
  • Chapter 2-Jivin
  • Chapter 6- Jennifer
  • Chapter 7-Benjamin
  • Chapter 8- Maikol
Group 2 did:
  • Chapter 5-Evelyn and Jason
  • Chapter 15-Joseph and Mila 
  • Chapter 16- Greisy and Cindy
  • Chapter 17-Paul And Jonathan
And Group 3 did:
  • Chapter 4
  • Chapter 11
  • Chapter 12
  • Chapter 13
  • Chapter 14

Chapter One(Group One)

    Angelina starts off the study guide by discussing about perspectives in communicating , such as the nature in communication like canned plans, context and settings in a communitive conversation. The chapter also explains it's process such as Interaction coordination (consists of behavioral adjustments made by each member in an attempt to create a shared meaning) and also The characteristics of communication followed under the topics of their ethics and competence.

Chapter Two(Group One)

    Jivin enters the stand and commences Chapter Two's discussion about perception of ourselves and others while we communicate which includes a self concept as well as our perception and cultural norms with accuracy and distortion of one's self-perception.

Chapter Four(Group Three)

    Group 3 Talks to us about Verbal Messages and how people can interpret any message differently that can result in conflict or issues in either friendship, or even relationships. And in order to do that, they needed to explain the nature and characteristics of verbal messaging,

Chapter Five(Group Two)

    Evelyn and Jason discuss about the fifth chapter with information about Nonverbal Messages by using keywords such as Nonverbal Communication, Paralanguage, Kinesics, details like gestures or even use of voice. During these situations, it's important to be more consciously aware of the nonverbal message you send out as people can interpret it as true rather than false and how nonverbal messages have multiple meanings that vary from person, culture, and situation.

Chapter Six(Group One)

    Jennifer opens up chapter three with a question about listening to later then define what listening is. She then discusses the challenges with listening such as Listening Apprehension, Listening style , and how we process information or Process Approach. We also see how we can practice active listening by attending , understanding, questioning , and showing empathy.

Chapter Seven(Group One)

    Benjamin opens our Seventh Chapter about relationships and each type of relationship as well as the stages that go through them. Types of relationships such as Acquaintances, Friends, and Intimate and how their stages share similarities such as how they come together, stay together, until they start to fall apart and have to separate.

Chapter Eight(Group One)

    Maikol ends Group 1's section of their selected chapters in their study guide with chapter eight which details interpersonal communication in where emotional support is provided, privacy and disclosure is managed, how we keep expecting and expressing our desires, and how to manage Interpersonal communications in total so that it does not lead us to a downward spiral.

Chapter Eleven(Group Three)

    The next chapter for Group three is about topic selection and it's development. They discuss about how in a speech or debate, we will have a rhetoric situation in which we would need to find a topic to write about. We will then have to write goal statements for this issue and have it be factual with evaluated and informative research.

Chapter Twelve(Group Three)

    After doing what to do in the last chapter, Chapter 12 continues the discussion with developing the body , introduction, your conclusion, and compiling the reference link for where you got your information and formatting the outline of the entire speech.

Chapter Thirteen(Group Three)

    The next chapter continues but with the idea of Presentational AIDS which specializes in getting audiences' attention and allowing you to address the diverse learning style of their choice. These includes AIDS such as Visual, Audio, Audiovisual, and other sensory AIDS. By preparing , you will also need to limit the reading required for the audience as well as having content that is easy to read.

Chapter Fourteen(Group Three)

    Group three ends their study guide presentation with Language and Oral style showing how to speak and how to present your speech. Such as speaking appropriately and clearly to your audience as well as vividly using sensory language or figures of speech.

Chapter Fifteen(Group Two)

    Joseph and Mila brings us to this chapter to discuss about Delivery in a speech where giving out a speech requires managing public speaking anxiety such as visualization, positive self-talk, and switching from performance to interacting with the audience. With all of this, it's best that practice also comes with it as the delivery of your speech is what will give the audience a reaction and influence them.

Chapter Sixteen(Group Two)

    Greisy and Cindy introduce us to some steps in how to be an informative speaker which is the discussion in chapter sixteen. These steps include Nothing boring, relativity, creativity, digestible, and appeal to learning styles. As well as describing the methods of Informing such as Description, Definition, Narration, etc. And Informative speech types such as Process Speeches and Expository Speeches.

Chapter Seventeen(Group Two)

Finally, we end off this study guide journey and group two's study guide with Jonathan and I's discussion on Persuasive Speaking in chapter seventeen. In this chapter, we discuss key words as persuasion and how in persuasive speaking , its not about making the reader choose a side but rather showing them what side you agree with and explaining those reasons which can later make action.
Such as showing your reason to a situation that you are or aren't siding with and illustrating evidence to get a response of action.

So What is the Topic?

After looking back at all of these chapters and how each person summarized them, the topic through all of them is actually helpful tips that can go on our journey to becoming something in our lives.


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