Greisy Hardisson - Post 2

 Group 1 - chapters 1, 2, 6, 7 & 8

Not only did group 1 present about self-care which contained both the physical and mental aspects of one's improvements when it comes to staying healthy and being happy with ourselves but also presented several topics regarding the book, in the following paragraphs I will be explaining what I learned about each part of the study guide.

Communication Perspectives 

Within the realm of communication, perspective pertains to an individual's distinct concepts, viewpoints, or modes of thought that impact their perception and interpretation of messages. Many things, including values, cultural background, personal experiences, and beliefs, might influence one's perspective.

Perception of Self and Others 

The process of perceiving oneself is identical to that of perceiving others; it is only reversed. We pick up on information about ourselves via other people's opinions or from our own self-evaluation. We compile a list of our qualities and attributes into our self-image using this knowledge.


Attending to a sound is the act of listening. A person listens to what others are saying and attempts to decipher what they are saying. observing during a discussion. Complex emotive, cognitive, and behavioral processes are involved in listening.

Interpersonal Relationships

Builds and sustains strong relationships with others; gets along with individuals from different backgrounds and in many contexts; demonstrates understanding, tact, courtesy, empathy, compassion, and politeness. Crucial actions. possesses an open, cordial, and professional relationship with others.

Interpersonal Communications 

A conversation involving two or more individuals is referred to as interpersonal communication. It entails people communicating with one another and exchanging ideas, messages, and information. There are numerous ways to do this, such as in-person meetings, phone calls, emails, and video conferencing.

Group 2 - chapters 5, 15, 16 & 17

This was my group, we talked about healthy eating and how it affects a person's life, the environment, and also our self-esteem, not only that but also some organizations that promote it and interviews with people that had more knowledge than us for this. Not to play favorites or anything but I would say my group was one of the best ones at presenting, just because everyone else seemed to just read off their PowerPoints and the majority of my group actually summarized their own topics and contexts. 

Group 3 - chapters 4, 11, 12, 13 & 14

Group 3 talked about paying it forward, it was all about helping other people in different ways, the importance of giving, and even showed interviews about it, it was a pretty good presentation and it gave off a strong message, they even put a part of the movie in the PowerPoint which helped everyone understand a little more. Now I will share what I learned about their study guide in the following paragraphs.

Verbal Messages 

A message sent orally is referred to as a verbal message. Three essential elements of verbal communication are word choice, tone, and presentation. Meaning is co-created during spoken communication, which means it originates from both sides.

Topic Selection and Development

There are four ways of doing this:
    The rhetoric situation consists of context, writer, audience, issue, and goal. Together, these elements improve the description of the situations and settings of a piece of writing, which, when correctly understood, can assist you in selecting effective writing strategies for your own work.
    Selecting a speech topic identifies subjects including interests in a vocation, pastimes, and the topic at hand. The process of generating associated ideas is called brainstorming. Interest-provoking topics include interests in politics, hobbies, and favorite subjects. Concept mapping is the process of creating a visual link between a topic and related concepts.
    Writing a speech goal statement is basically written as a single declarative sentence, your unique speech aim is intended to help you stay focused on the speech's audience-centered intended outcome. There are four main speech purposes that almost all speeches fall into informing, persuading, entertaining, or inspiring.
    Locate and evaluate information resources makes you look for secondary research sources, like news stories or magazine articles, to obtain knowledge about your particular speech aim. Research studies are primary research sources that you can try if you don't have enough information from those sources. The better off you are with a wider variety of sources.

Organizing your Speech 

A speech can be arranged in one of five ways: chronologically, spatially, cause and effect, problem-solution, or topically. Organizational methods are another name for organizational patterns.

Presentational Aids 

Beyond speech words and delivery, presentation aids are tools a speaker utilizes to improve the message they transmit to the audience. Speakers most frequently employ visual aids in their presentations, which include images, diagrams, charts, graphs, maps, and the like.

Language and Oral Style 

Simpler, more casual, and more repetitious word choices are required in oral language because it is meant to be heard and seem conversational. Written language is more formal and has a wider vocabulary.


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