Mila Heredia - POST 1

 Each student in the class studied and presented material from Chapters 3, 9, and 10. They all performed wonderfully, in my opinion, as this blog will soon demonstrate.

Group #1 

Intercultural Communication

Based on the group members' speeches, we were able to learn enough about the chapter and its characteristics from Group 1. It impresses me how naturally this group was able to distribute the chapter material in a highly orderly manner, and their presentation was engaging. However, the ppt included definitions, points of view, and explanations for each bullet, making it much easier for this group to keep the presentation and its power point at the same level of informational depth while we understood and analyzed this chapter. In essence, their major point was that intercultural communication depends on the ability of two persons from different cultural backgrounds to interact and speak with others from other cultures. This chapter is also centered on the research and application of cross-cultural communication. Aside from the photographs and films they use as proof, another excellent example of their work was the way they interacted as a group and how they increased group engagement by including various techniques, such social conflict, in the very first project of the semester. This group also helped us realize that distinctions across groups are far smaller than differences between individuals within a given nation or culture. I also note that this group discussed disabilities and how they have been accepted by society. Today, people with impairments might feel more at ease going about their daily lives. Since this is unusual, I'm delighted they brought it up; as a result, and with their help, we have this present. Their presentation was clear and their perspective on the chapter made it easier for us to appreciate how important intercultural communication is in modern society. This group's shared decision-making, pooled resources, synergy, and visibility through this presentation are further benefits.

Group #2

Communicating in Groups

Overall, Group 2 performed admirably, emphasizing communication right away. In order to ensure a seamless separation and comprehension of roles, the group leader gave this top priority. Despite the short length of the chapter, several members found it difficult to participate and obtain information, but they still managed to make it work. Everyone did a fantastic job of conveying the subject in a way that others could comprehend during the presentation. A team member found it difficult to present, but the author and other members performed admirably. Because the chapter was brief, some speakers talked longer than others. A member persisted in examining a script, including the writer, which might have led to misunderstandings. The chapter 9 topic of the lecture was "Communicating in Groups." It included the characteristics and kinds of groups, including support, social, and familial groupings. Healthy group dynamics including trust, accountability, honesty, respect, and dependability were also discussed in the lecture. The stages of group development—forming, storming, norming, performing, adjuring, and transforming—were also covered in the talk. The talk concluded with a discussion of group conflicts, including their various forms and strategies for preventing and resolving them. The group performed a great job overall, highlighting the significance of knowledge and communication in group dynamics.

Group #3

Leadership and Problem Solving

The final group to present was group 3, and they worked on chapter 10.  The topic of this talk was leadership and the various tasks and duties that go into achieving the objectives and successes of a group. In order for meetings to be effective, they also discussed how crucial it is for both leaders and participants to show their stuff. In addition to making sure that everyone understood everything, effective communication, organization, and listening skills are critical in meetings. The group also discussed finding solutions to problems. They talked about the systematic problem-solving process, which involves group identification, definition, and analysis of the problem in order to share information and develop a solution. They also provided five ways to come to a group decision and discussed the significance of evaluating solutions. Finally, assessing the effectiveness of a group aids members in reaching a common objective. This group performed well, in my opinion, although half of the participants could have performed far better. It appeared as though they didn't put much effort into their presentations when I watched some of them read directly from the screen without even considering the implications of what they were saying. Even though everything was clearly stated, I found it challenging to concentrate during this presentation. Perhaps it was just me, as I was feeling a little worn out, but I thought this group performed really well. I was unable to grasp myself.

I'm sure a lot of us were scared, anxious, and maybe just overthinking the presentation because it was our first. Like others, they were presumably confident in it and accustomed to it. I know that giving a presentation in front of an audience can be nerve-wracking, but I can't speak for others. I was experiencing a lot of anxiety and constantly second-guessing myself. But instead of focusing on that, I attempted to divert my attention and just did my share. What I really enjoyed was that everyone was so encouraging to one another and went out of their way to reassure others that everything would be alright, and they shouldn't worry. In summary, all of the groups performed excellent presentations, and all of the individuals were able to provide clear explanations of the material covered in the chapters. The presentations were entertaining, and it was clear that everyone contributed to making sure everything went without a hitch. We already know the setup for our next presentations, so I'm confident that everyone will perform significantly better. Everything can be improved upon, and mistakes are a part of life for everyone. Ultimately, we all gave it our best effort and supported one another, so it doesn't matter if one group performed better than another.




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