
Showing posts from November, 2023

Evelyn Matute- Post 2

  HAPPINESS AND COMMUNICATION PRESENTATIONS             For our second presentation of this semester, we had a theme about happiness and how eating healthy, having good self-care and mental, and doing kind acts contribute to someone's overall happiness. We also did presentations about the importance of having good communication with others. I'm just going to do a brief summary of every presentation and explain what I learned. COMMUNICATION GROUP 1- CHAPTERS 1,2,6,7,8.           What I learned from these chapters is that  effective communication involves understanding different perspectives, being aware of one's own and others' perceptions , actively listening, nurturing interpersonal relationships, and utilizing various communication modes to convey messages accurately. These elements collectively contribute to successful and meaningful communication in personal and professional settings.   GROUP 2- CHAPTERS 5,15,16,17.     This was my group and what I learned from the

Paul Flores- Post 2

SPC BLOG #2 Written By Paul Flores Study Guide Summary      Before we got into the topic of Happiness, Each group had to present a study guide from the chapters they were given. Throughout this, I will be summarizing every chapter that each group in chapter order from Chapter 1 to Chapter 17. Mind you some chapters are not included. Group One did: Chapter 1-Angelina  Chapter 2-Jivin Chapter 6- Jennifer Chapter 7-Benjamin Chapter 8- Maikol Group 2 did: Chapter 5-Evelyn and Jason Chapter 15-Joseph and Mila  Chapter 16- Greisy and Cindy Chapter 17-Paul And Jonathan And Group 3 did: Chapter 4 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter One(Group One)      Angelina starts off the study guide by discussing about perspectives in communicating , such as the nature in communication like canned plans, context and settings in a communitive conversation. The chapter also explains it's process such as Interaction coordination (consists of behavioral adjustments made by each member in an

Greisy Hardisson - Post 2

 Group 1 - chapters 1, 2, 6, 7 & 8 Not only did group 1 present about self-care which contained both the physical and mental aspects of one's improvements when it comes to staying healthy and being happy with ourselves but also presented several topics regarding the book, in the following paragraphs I will be explaining what I learned about each part of the study guide. Communication Perspectives  Within the realm of communication, perspective pertains to an individual's distinct concepts, viewpoints, or modes of thought that impact their perception and interpretation of messages. Many things, including values, cultural background, personal experiences, and beliefs, might influence one's perspective. Perception of Self and Others  The process of perceiving oneself is identical to that of perceiving others; it is only reversed. We pick up on information about ourselves via other people's opinions or from our own self-evaluation. We compile a list of our qualities and

Joseph Gonzalez - Post 2

Our group (group 2) worked together on creating two presentations; one was a study guide, and another about healthy eating and its relation to overall happiness. Our study guide centered around topics like nonverbal messaging, delivery, and persuasive speaking. I worked on Chapter 15, Delivery, and greatly enjoyed my section of the study guide as the content resonated with me. Since I used to participate in public speaking competitions about public policy projects in high school, I spent time gradually refining my speaking skills using methods laid out in the chapter. For example, the chapter mentioned that how I compose myself through posture and expressions influences how engaged my audience remains. I also find it ironic since I gave a presentation about delivery in speeches by using effective delivery methods like eye contact and poise. I also enjoyed my colleagues' study guide presentations, as the information provided by my group partners gave me useful insight into becoming

Cindy Garcia - POST 2


Mila Heredia - POST 1

 Each student in the class studied and presented material from Chapters 3, 9, and 10. They all performed wonderfully, in my opinion, as this blog will soon demonstrate. Group #1  Intercultural Communication Based on the group members' speeches, we were able to learn enough about the chapter and its characteristics from Group 1. It impresses me how naturally this group was able to distribute the chapter material in a highly orderly manner, and their presentation was engaging. However, the ppt included definitions, points of view, and explanations for each bullet, making it much easier for this group to keep the presentation and its power point at the same level of informational depth while we understood and analyzed this chapter. In essence, their major point was that intercultural communication depends on the ability of two persons from different cultural backgrounds to interact and speak with others from other cultures. This chapter is also centered on the research and application