
Showing posts from October, 2023

Jason Godoy - Post 1

  Reflecting on Publicly Communicating About Communication Before the assignment     This course first assignment for many students (including myself) was something straight from a nightmare. A group assignment. For me this was terrifying for numerous reasons; 1) I'm what's known as an introvert which means that I find the action of being around people to be quite draining so I tend to spend a lot of my time avoiding people. This means I have little to no people skills. 2) Historically when I got assigned to do things with people I don't know for assignments I end up having to do most of the work whilst getting little to no credit. 3) I have social anxiety, this means I don't do well with having to engage with people since I get  concerned that I'll shame or degrade myself. This extreme anxiety while engaging or conversing with strangers (especially in front of many that I don't know) causes me to tremble, fidget, talk shakily, and at worst breakout into tears.

Jonathan Marrero - Post 1

Presentation Reflection This blog will be about my reflections and opinions on each presentation from every group. I will talk about each presentation and what stood out to me and I'll be discussing which presentation was my favorite and why. I will start with Group one presentation, Chapter Three: Intercultural Communication. First off I wanted to point out that something about how they decorated it. Even though it's simple, it's very clean and smooth to the eye making it easier to read.  The presentation was very well worked on and you can tell. Group one did a very good job at presenting in class. I felt like I was able to follow along pretty easily. They wrote about culture, ethnicity, and races. The group did a good job in my opinion explaining most of their topics. I was able to read them all very well. I think my favorite topic they talked about was the Uncertainty Avoidance. It's interesting to know that different cultures treat new relationships with different

Greisy Hardisson - Post 1

Group 1 - Intercultural Communication  This easily was my favorite presentation, the culture talking, values, ethnicity, and other things were just perfect, something I'm really interested in and the way the group presented it was really interesting and engaging. Each member presented according to what was asked, they went semi-formal and talked with no issues.  Below this text you will see my favorite topics from this presentation. Culture and Culture Shock They explained how  culture  is a system of common values, beliefs, and attitudes which is the simple and quick way of explaining this topic, since it's such a complex topic they chose the right words for this and made it short and simple. It's stated by them that Cultural Shock is something that happens when the familiar values and norms of a person are disturbed, I find this really interesting because many people don't know this, they believe Culture Shock is only when someone travels to a different country of a c

Evelyn Matute - Post 1

              PRESENTATIONS ON CHAPTERS 3,9,10.                The first presentation for this course focused on leadership and problem solving, communicating in groups, and intercultural communication. Each topic was divided into three groups to work on them. A good amount of time was given to work on the presentations and prepare ourselves to present. Every group leader made sure to have good communication with their group to ensure that everyone did what they were supposed to do. In addition, this is my reflection for these presentation and my opinion on how everyone did, and what they could've done better.         GROUP 1               Intercultural Communication          Group 1 was the first one to present and they worked on Chapter 3. They started by explaining what culture is and how communication helps pass on culture through generations. They talked about how intercultural communication can be hard at times because of the differences among people with different cultures.

Joseph Gonzalez - Post 1

Our group worked together on creating a presentation on Chapter 9, "Communicating in Groups," I worked on the chapter's second section, centered on healthy group characteristics, and enjoyed it immensely. Having worked in groups before for competition and public speaking purposes in high school, I related to much of the information my slides focused on. For example, I mentioned in my slides how groups such as choirs must be interdependent and dynamic when working together to create better results. This analogy speaks to me as in the past, I've participated in showcases where I and other colleagues give panel speeches in under four minutes, where interdependence and bouncing off of one another's knowledge is vital. Typically, I prefer working alone, yet cooperating with others here changed my outlook. I thoroughly enjoyed working with my group on this presentation. First, we created a chat to discuss how we'd divide up the individual slides. Initially, it was o

Paul Flores- POST 1

Presentation Reviews      Throughout Our First Presentation, we were all tasked to make a presentation on the chapters we were assigned to in groups and summarize what we learned. As we demonstrated our presentations, we were asked to reflect on what we learned. But What did each group discuss? Let us look back through each group's topic and what did I learn. Group 1(Chapter3) :       Group 1 worked on chapter 3 which discusses the topic about Intercultural Communications. From what I've learned after the presentation, Intercultural Communication refers to those interactions that occur when people of different culture's communication become challenging and how its also used throughout Cultural shock conversations and throughout these, we also need to learn about our Ideal Values and make sure we are respectful.       Topics of intercultural communications include Ethnicity, race, Sex , gender, sexual orientation, religion, Age/ Generations, SES(socioeconomic status), Indivi